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PHOENIX-A : The most massive black hole known to exist, with a mass of 100 billion solar masses.
PHOENIX-A : The most massive black hole known to exist, with a mass of 100 billion solar masses.
Sirius A (Alpha Canis Majoris): the biggest star in the universe
The Andromeda Galaxy: is a barred spiral galaxy and is the nearest major galaxy to the Milky Way.
TON 618 : A hyperluminous quasar in the constellation Canes Venatici with a black hole estimated at 66 billion solar masses.
Canopus (Alpha Carinae): The second largest star.
THE MILKY WAY : The galaxy that contains our solar system, named for its milky appearance
S5 0014+81A compact hyperluminous quasar estimated at 40 billion solar masses
Rigil Kentaurus (Alpha Centauri): The third brightest star.
THE EAGLE GALAXY : is a young open cluster of stars in the constellation Serpens.
MESSIER 87 :It has an active supermassive black hole at its core acts as an active galactic nucleus.
Capella (Alpha Aurigae): The Sixth brightest star.
HD 15558 (HIP 11832) : is a massive O-type multiple star system in Cassiopeia and is specifically in our galaxy's Heart Nebula in the open cluster IC 1805.
NGC 6946, or "the Fireworks Galaxy : is a medium-sized, face-on spiral galaxy about 22 million light years away from Earth