Hello, I'm
Laeba Jamil

About Me!

I'm Laeba Jamil from rourkela-odisha,I'm pursuing my Bachelor's of technology degree from Veer Surrendra Sai University of Technology,Burla in the department of Computer Science and Engineering...Exploring technology has been my prime interest and aim,to become a successful developer and programer is my aspiration and i'm working to fulfill it with the constructive mentorship from my seniors in the LOC bootcamp and this is the task 3 of Enigma induction assigned by seniors which follows the instruction to make a web page using html and css.


My Hobbies


I am Laeba Jamil

Interested Domains !

The domain in Enigma that I'm Interested in is Web Development and Competitive programming ,web developmengt invlolves the use of HTML which is a standard markup language use to create web pages an define their structure and content and css is a stylesheet language used to design and style web page , also for professionalism and an appealing design we use javascript that can be used to create and control dynamic features of web pages.


  • 2021 Matriculation from Carmel School

  • 2023 Intermediate from Carmel School

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